Illinois legislators are still wrestling with the issue of average citizens recording police activities on the streets, particularly in regard to the upcoming NATO/G8 demonstrations in May in Chicago. Local law enforcement, however, will be able to keep their eyes and ears trained on anyone planning to protest, and will now be doing it from the friendly windy city skies.
A press release from a company called Vislink revealed that Chicago Fire and Police Department helicopters will be equipped with new airborne surveillance technology ahead of the summits in May:
The airborne units will transmit to four strategically located ground-based receiver sites providing city-wide coverage and the ability to simultaneously receive real-time images from two aircraft for viewing at the OEMC operations center. An additional three receive systems will be installed in the city’s mobile command vehicles to facilitate field operations.
Already, Chicago is taking on massive preparations to lock the city down during the demonstrations. A private security firm is providing training to security forces, Mayor Rahm Emanuel changed various ordinances making it more difficult to organize a demonstration, the Chicago Police now have the power to deputize and enlist any other available security forces, and sharpshooters and other militarized types of law enforcement will be on hand.
City officials might say everyone will be able to exercise their First Amendment rights, but when people choose to do so, it will be under a microscope – one held by law enforcement and attached to a “less than lethal weapon.”
Early Warning for Chicago Protesters planning to take the Metra trains: I can not reveal who my source is, but
the CIA might shut down the Metra trains throughout the g8/NATO Summits.
Be sure to make secondary plans in the case that this should occur. Carpool (parking is going to be a pain though), ask to
be dropped off by someone (just pay them in gas money if you must), take the train and chill in the city a little earlier
than you need to, etc. We must make sure that we have the highest number of protesters possible.
It is crucial that we show NATO and the world that this alliance does not represent the interests of We The People, and
instead focuses on the wants of war profiteers who fan the flames of war to make a buck. We must show G8 and the world
that our country demands its sovereignty, and that their decisions only reflect the wants of corporatist elites.
This protest will yield numbers, and that is where we have our strength. This protest will bring in numerous political, and
economical ideals, but we need to remember that we’re all in this together, and we will all most likely have common ground,
so focus on that, and debate the differences in a time of peace.
Good luck to all of you! Spread the word, and recruit more freedom fighters! Let these big institutions know that they are
no longer allowed to tread on our liberty anymore!
[...] Originally posted at Diatribe Media. [...]