Diatribe Media
Chicago-based Collectors and creators of independent media

As most regular readers know, this site is mostly updated by myself, with a few great contributions and collaborations by some other incredible writers, radicals, creators and activists. We’ve always been open to submissions, so this is another call for cool contributions to this site. We’ll consider anything submitted, but mainly focus on the following: politics, independent/alternative media (music, book and zine reviews, etc as well as analysis), far out conspiracy theories and weird science or technology.

Like most other sites on the internet, we always reserve the right not to publish something we’re not interested in or otherwise offends our senses.

Unfortunately, we can’t afford to pay anyone in spendable currency, but we’re happy to pay you in thank you’s, high fives, hugs and internet cred. You’ll also be awarded a listing on our contributors page, and we know everyone enjoys seeing their name and bio in pixels.

If you’d like to submit something or otherwise be involved, drop a line to [email protected].

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