About two weeks ago, I managed to nab a few photos of the Against Me! show at the Metro on June 17th. Unfortunately, due to some of my own logistical inconsistencies I wasn’t able to get behind the barricade to get proper shots, but these ones I still think capture the spirit and energy of the show.
About a month ago, I had the fortune of seeing these guys at Krazyfest. Not long after their set I wrote: “Rarely have I seen a band that looks like they’re having that much fun playing live. I’m pretty sure these dudes had shit eating grins on their faces for their entire set. It’s always lovely when people drop the pretense and just have a good time.”
That holds true for the Metro set as well. We like to talk about how much better things were “back in the day” sometimes – and they may or may not have been. But our memories tend to be rosy colored, and sometimes we forget how good things can be today, if we appreciate them for what they are.