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Read a Wikileak, Lose Your Job
Categories: Features

According to the U.S. Government and countless politicians and political commentators, Jullian Assage is a terrorist mastermind who needs to be jailed or executed and his website Wikileaks needs to be shut down because he and his associates are a terrorist cell. Aside from answering the hyperbolic calls to do our patriotic duty and burn the leakers of this sensitive-but-not-new-or-explosive information at the stake, Good Real Americans might want to consider averting their eyes each time the offending website is mentioned, unless a G-Man has given the all clear.

Above the Law reports the Career Development department at Boston University’s School of Law circulated an email to students and alumni, warning them not to read anything from the Wikileaks website if they want a job with the federal government. Part of the email reads:

Two big factors in hiring for many federal government positions are determining if the applicants have good judgment and if they know how to deal with confidential/classified information. The documents released by Wikileaks remain classified; thus, reading them, passing them on, commenting on them may be seen as a violation of Executive Order 13526, Classified National Security Information.”

It goes on to warn students that part of background checks the Fed does digs into social media habits: “so DO NOT post links to the documents or make comments on any social media sites.” Boston U isn’t the only school to have warned its students – Raw Story reports that Democracy Now obtained a similar letter sent by Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs. In addition to potential federal employees, the White House’s Office of Management and Budget sent a reminder to all federal agencies saying “each federal employee and contractor is obligated to protect classified information.”

In other words, if you want to work for or with the government, you should probably give up your rights as a citizen to read, comment, disseminate or even think about information the government doesn’t want you to know. One has to wonder how long it might take for more bellicose voices to begin demanding EO 13526 apply to all citizens with swift penalties attached to visiting the site. But hey that’s just a sign democracy is doing just fine in America, right?

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8 Comments to “Read a Wikileak, Lose Your Job”

  1. Vigilante says:

    When did it become open season on the whistle-blowers? When did it become open season on the messenger? Maybe a little collateral damage will seep out from the secret chambers of statecraft (That’s a misnomer isn’t it?) What passes for Anglo-American statecraft is actually endless & boundless war! I say break down the doors, open all the file cabinets, throw hard disks into the street. Nothing should be spared in the task of embarrassing the military industrial complex to death. To death, I say.

  2. [...] Cynic writes at Diatribe Media: According to the U.S. Government and countless politicians and political commentators, Jullian [...]

  3. [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Luminare Media and Democracy Now, redditpics. redditpics said: 12.08.2010 – Read a Wikileak, Lose Your Job http://bit.ly/hxP0OV via http://www.redditpics.com #reddit [...]

  4. Well, sure, some kind of legislation is needed, but it’s the kind that involves asking the rich to pay more to support the stable, educated, free society that allowed them to make all that money in a genteel fashion. And that takes more guts than I’ve seen from anyone in Washington, except maybe Bernie Sanders.

  5. [...] Cynic writes at Diatribe Media: According to the U.S. Government and countless politicians and political commentators, Jullian [...]

  6. Xuan Nila says:

    Wikileaks revealed so much terrible stuff… This is awful in so many ways and will haunt the US for a long time to come. The worst part of all is that it does nothing to secure this country or our soldiers! If anything, it makes life more dangerous for them.

  7. I don’t have a problem with exposing corruption within the U.S. government and state/local governments. If U.S. government diplomatic correspondence is exposed I would likewise expect to see EU, Indian,Russian, Chinese, Brazilian, German, French, UK, etc., governmental and diplomatic correspondence leaked and exposed. There are obviously MANY non-U.S. do-gooders and one world citizen of the world type. I encourage each and ever one to do what they can to get their hands on and leak their respective government(s) confidential governmental and diplomatic correspondence. I for one would LOVE to know what’s going on behind the scenes at the EU in Brussels, Russia, China and so-on. A brave AMERICAN stood up to the plate and leaked U.S. ‘secrets’…where are the brave Brits, Euros, Russians, Chinese? I want to see something on the same scale as the U.S. leaks.

  8. Run to save this country from tyranny, lest ALL hues perish under the weight of the oncoming, oppressive idealogy that swirls around us all right now!